This page is a general help page for people trying to troubleshoot CataBlog
Upload Limit Reached
The php.ini file lets you set certain properties in php, such as max upload size. This dictates a strict limit of how large the files you upload to your server can be. If you cannot change this setting (contact your hosting company) then you must live below its limits and upload files that are smaller. You can check your limits in the About section of CataBlog.
Errors Trying to Regenerate Images
So you've tried to regenerate your catalog images, maybe because you changed your thumbnail size or maybe because of another reason. But it won't complete, and your not told why by the software (I need to fix this) and now your catalog is effectively broken with half the images the wrong size...
Please watch and follow along with the video below, this will tell you which images are associated with which ajax calls, most likely the last one will be breaking the regenerate image process.