New CataBlog Maintenance Release

A few days ago a maintenance release of CataBlog went public. It fixes a few debug errors and confirmed my assumptions that CataBlog still works fine with the latest versions of WordPress (4.9.2). I'm hoping now that CataBlog will be removed from the list of plugins that haven't updated their WP_Widgets code. 😉

Stay tuned!
Even more exciting stuff is coming to CataBlog soon! The next release is aiming to address compatibility with mobile devices, including support for upload and mobile first admin & template CSS.

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6 Responses to New CataBlog Maintenance Release

  1. hello i am having problems since this was updated i cant load images or a bulk upload any images all i get is WordPress Nonce Error, please reload the form and try again. and i am un able to update galleries etc for the catalog that we use this for just wondering if any one can help me.
    it was working fine before wp update and the update from the developers

  2. Chris says:

    Hi Zachary.

    Will the HTML5 update fix the multiple image uploading nonce issue that we’re having with Flash at the moment?

    I’ve been in touch with some plugin developers and they say the issue was brought about by the latest WP update, so we reverted back to 4.8.5 and the plugin still works fine. As we are on the verge of commissioning a new plugin, if you’re working on an update that should not be necessary.

    Many thanks for your work on the plugin so far, it’s fast, easy to use and quick to work on when there are hundreds of items to catalogue every month or so.


    • I have been having issues with the Flash upload for a couple of years now on numerous sites. I just now upgraded my WP to v5 to see if that fixed it and it doesn’t. When do we think the HTML5 version will come out that is supposed to fix this issue?

  3. hjan says:

    First of all, thanks for this beautiful plugin.
    It’s very powerful and it has a great flexibility.
    I have some trouble with the latest version and lightbox, all seems to work fine the lightbox is showed but the image is showed out of the whiteboard.
    I have inspected the page and it seems that the #catablog-lightbox #catablog-whiteboard take the dimension dynamically and if I modify the {
    width: xxx px;
    height: xxx px;

    with some bigger dimension the image is showed well.

    i.e with an image of 750px * 508 px the element style show width 750 px and height: 530 px if i change width to 770 px all is ok.

    I was not able to find how the witheboard size is calculated or how to to fix this issue.
    Already try with the option “render a new image” under lightbox.

  4. Jake Fowler says:

    Any updates on the next update? The HTML5 upload would be a huge benefit to some o my clients!


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