Software Updates
- Latest Stable Release: 1.7.0
- WP Plugin Repository Page
- Requires: WordPress 3.3+
Highlighted Features
- WYSIWYG Editor
- Organize Custom Galleries
- SideBar Widgets
- Pagination
- New Template Rendering System
- Flash Upload For Multiple Files
- Non Square Thumbnails
- Multiple Images Per Catalog Item
- Web 2.0 LightBox
- Enhanced Admin Interface
- Import/Export Backup Files
- WP MultiSite Compatible
Top Pages
Recent Comments
- Zachary Segal on Making Custom Templates
- Zachary Segal on New CataBlog Maintenance Release
- Jake Fowler on New CataBlog Maintenance Release
- Trent Lloyd on Making Custom Templates
- Rebecca Greco on Customizing Catalog Options
New Version 0.9.7 Released
Well I released version 0.9.7 today. it has some new features and bug fixes, namely some description filter controls and import/export bug fixes. Check it out and download it.
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Dear Zach,
congratulations for this wonderful plugin. I’m testing the new version at the moment and everything works absolutly fine.
As a catablog-newbie maybe you can give me a hint to a little question: how can I put a link behind the image that leads to the same side like the title-link. So that a click on the image brings me to a special side.
Thanks for a little help and thanks for this plugin.
Greetings from Germany
Sorry for the delayed response Micha,
Yes you can do that very easily using the template section of the options panel. There you can write any HTML code you want to appear inside each catablog row. The tokens in the code will be replaced with the item’s value, for instance %LINK% in the template code will be replaced with the current item’s link. Hope that makes sense and good luck.
– Zach
Zach, great work. I’m impressed with the plugin stability even as I go around hacking the theme’s base.
If you would be so kind, please recommend the safest catablog file to insert pagination — js or php routine. Thanks.
To paginate your catalog I might recommend using categories, like page1, page2, page3, etc and then placing the catablog shortcode into separate posts with a category filter of page1, page2, etc… Each post can have a previous/next post link and there would be no code hacking required.
If you really don’t like that method I would probably recommend using js unless you have a ton of catalog items. One of the main reasons pagination exists is to help load time, doing the pagination in javascript alone will not help your load time and would really only be an interface addition. If that is all you are looking for by all means it should be pretty easy to get all the catablog-row HTML elements and hide and show them based on the page. If you have hundreds of catalog items and you need to only load them 10 or so at a time, then PHP will be required. That would be a bit trickier, but start by having a look at the plugins/catablog/lib/CataBlog.class.php file, in particular the frontent_content() method is where all the catalog content is rendered on a post page.
Good luck,
– Zach
Thanks for your thoughtful reply. You’ve helped form my long-term strategy which is to avoid nesting Catablog category filters in nested HTML layout. Your right. It’s an inteface issue. I’ll attempt automated surgery on row count through catablog.class.php.
Best wishes, M.
Hey Zack,
thank you for this helpful tip. Now I got it. And it works fine.
I will test a little around and I think then it’s time for a little donation. 😉
Thank you
I’ve just noticed that I can’t navigate wp-admin/catablog, after adding 8 new items. For a (theoretical) total of 17 items, multiple category/tags. I’m glad I stopped then. This put the screen display limit at 10. No scroll bar, no pagination, no tabs. Note: wp-admin/settings/read limit of posts is 6; so I suppose the phenom are unrelated.
I updated to v0.9.8 — I’m not sure why 😉 –but I didn’t lose previously posted data.
So have you any ideas where I went wrong? I hope. This would be a fatal flaw.
I am confused by what you mean when you say you can’t navigate wp-admin/catablog?
Are you saying the Admin panels for CataBlog are now broken?
Or are you telling me that the total number of catalog items being returned is always 10?
If the pages are broken I have no idea why.
I am not sure why you would be seeing a limit of items, I specifically request unlimited posts when fetching the Custom CataBlog Posts. In fact one of my test servers has about 50 items.
Can you also tell me any specifics about your server, perhaps PHP version, WordPress version. Your browser doesn’t hurt either.
PHEW! Thanks. OK…
system check: wordpress v3.0.1, PHPv5.2.4, mySQL v5.1.4, mozilla v5.0, firebug v1.5.4
plugins: catablog v.9.8, nextGen v.1.2.6
Note: I’ve not yet modified any catablog source code. I’ve simply put [shortcode tag(category)=x] call into a post, X title. Catablog update did not lose existing data.
presentation: admin-panel/catablog/manage catablog (displays table of items, descending order) with tabs [Add New],[Change Order/Save Order]
bugs: (1.) no item check box (2.) no [Change Order/Save Order] functionality; no selection list (3.) no item pagination; diplays max 10 items (4.) no Custom Catablog Posts admin panel; no Catablog widget; no admin function to create Custom Catablog Post.Per
Perhaps my original ZIP package is missing source file?
First off I still have no idea what your actual problem is. Please take a second to write a detailed description of your problem. Without that I can’t help you. If you are not having any problems and are complaining about a lack of features in CataBlog I can only say that free software is just that. Free.
So I am confused by your bug list. I am only reading complaints about lacking features, which are not bugs exactly. A bug is when functionality doesn’t work, not when it isn’t present. Lets go through them one at a time.
1. No item check box. I know this is missing, but what could you do besides delete multiple items at once, not a high priority on the new feature list. Last thing I want to do is create a drop down menu like NextGen Gallery, bloated and unnecessary. I prefer the simple, give less control but make everything work as expected paradigm of software design.
2. No change order functionality. Actually at the top of the catalog list view is a “Change Order” button, it has worked great for me and others. If you are experiencing problems with the button I would recommend disabling other WordPress plug-ins until it works.
3. No item pagination. Currently their is no pagination, but I have seen people use categories to create pages of catalog items,
including categories like a-d, e-h, i-n, etc. So pagination would really affect the Admin panels more then the frontend blog posts.
NOTE: I have never experienced a limit in how many items are displayed. Even look at the Demo page on this blog, the photo gallery is more then 10 items.
4. I have no idea what you are talking about when you say Custom CataBlog Posts admin? I agree that a widget should be made, that will most likely be released soon in a new version. “Admin function to create Custom CataBlog Post”, what does that mean? Do you want to set up your own meta data? create new data fields for catalog items? I am very confused by this.
Well, perhaps CataBlog doesn’t meet your exact needs, I might recommend learning how to register your own custom post types and taxonomies with WordPress 3. Maybe that will let you build exactly what you need, as CataBlog must maintain a focus on general use, it will most likely never meet everyone’s exact needs. I also would NEVER edit the source code of plugin, if that is necessary I go look for another plug-in or write my own. You can go download the package again and reinstall it, I would make sure that you deactivate CataBlog before replacing the actual files on your server. Good luck,
– Zach