The latest version of CataBlog introduces a new "Public" feature, which allows you to automatically generate individual pages for every catalog item. These pages will get their own Permalink and should be considered similar to a public post or page. Also, each CataBlog Category will get its own Permalink, which will display catalog items in a similar fashion to your other blog category pages. There are a lot of possibilities of what you can now do with CataBlog thanks to the new individual pages, below are some examples.
Create a catalog drop down menu
So now its super easy to create a drop down or sidebar menu of your CataBlog Categories. Simply go to Appearance > Menu in Admin and you can add CataBlog Categories into any menu. If you cannot see the CataBlog Categories, please open the Screen Options panel in the upper-right corner of the Menu page. There you should be able to choose what is shown on screen.
Create theme specific layout files for CataBlog items
You may add specific template files to your theme's folder to control how both a single CataBlog entry and the CataBlog category pages are rendered. These file function very similarly to the single.php and category.php files that are most likely already in your theme's folder. You may copy and modify these files or create new ones from scratch, it is up to you. These are the two file names that you must use with CataBlog to override the theme's template...
- Single CataBlog Item Page: single-catablog-items.php
- CataBlog Category Archive: taxonomy-catablog-terms.php
Besides the new individual catalog item pages there are numerous other enhancements and fixes. The %TITLE-LINK% token once again uses the target and relationship attributes in the options. CataBlog has also been integrated into the WordPress Admin Menu Bar for quick access to your catalog. Hope everyone enjoys this new version, put a lot of hard work into it.
Nice job!
Thank you very much, your compliments are appreciated.
Hi Zach,
For some reason, my catalog links no longer work. I have the latest plugin, and it used to work last time I checked it about a month ago. Any help is appreciated.
please read
also check for new and updated template tokens at
this thread might also help with broken links
Hi Zach. Thanks for all your hard work on the plugin :). I just implemented it for the first time to display a fairly large catalog. The one feature I was really interested in was the “Public” feature, where every catalog item I created got it’s own page.
When I go into the library and edit an individual item, I’m presented with a permalink. It’s hyperlinked, but it doesn’t go anywhere. The “http:” is prefaced by a random 2 digit number, so the permalink looks like “85http://…..”.
Although, when I click “save” on the item, an alert message pops up saying I can “view now”, with a hyper link. I click on that link, and it takes me to the correct url (without the weird numbers in front), but always displays a 404 page, presumably because the page was never created. Any ideas?
Much thanks in advance!
Hi Wuss,
Did you read the warnings and notes in the CataBlog Options’ “Public” tab? I just want to make sure you didn’t use a WordPress reserved word as one of your slugs, and that after you made your catalog public, that you rebuilt your permalink structure simply by going to the Settings > Permalink page in your Admin panels.
I have not personally seen the two digit preface you mention above, so I will look into how that string is generated, perhaps it’s the item’s database id?
Also curious what version of WordPress you are using?
I did read the warnings. I actually used the default slugs, then changed them to something specific to my use (plants-and-products). I went ahead and updated my permalinks via settings, and now when I click on “view now”, the 404 is gone and I’m taken to the appropriate page.
I am still,however, seeing that weird 2 digit ID in front of the url when viewing a category item from within “Library”. Clicking it obviously does nothing (not even a 404, it doesnt do anything, although it appears as a hyperlink).
I’m using the latest version of WP, 3.1.3
Hi Zach, I want to thank you for an awesome plugin! A couple quick things:
1) I’m also having the same issue as Wuss above. WP v3.1.3, and CataBlog v1.2.9.7. It is indeed the ID… on page /admin.php?page=catablog&id=15, the permalink listed is prefixed with the ID of 15… on item #12’s page, it’s prefixed with 12… etc. So we get 12http://www….
2) I also had a suggestion for a great way to use the new permalink feature. On the “Link” field (where it says Enter a relative or absolute web address to make this item a hyperlink), it would be fantastic if there was a little button/link that says “Use Permalink“.
By clicking this, it would instantly drop the permalink into the Link field, effectively letting you use it as a sort of product page. i.e. say I have a category called Shoes, and I use a template to only show the thumbnail, price, and title when viewing the category. But each entry is linked to the permalink of itself, which would be templated to show the description, larger photos, etc. I set up something like this pretty quickly, but just have to manually highlight/copy/paste the permalink into the Link field (minus the 2-digit ID at the front of it, of course ;)). A quick little button to “Use Permalink” as the link would be a great little addition.
Anyway, hope some of this info/suggestions help you improve an already excellent plugin. Cheers! 🙂
Thanks again for the solid comment, I am aware of issue number 1 and will be fixing that in my impending 1.3 release before my summer vacation.
As far as issue number 2, could you use the %PERMALINK% token in your template code instead of the %LINK% or %TITLE-LINK% token? Something like this:
This is exactly what I did reading your token documentation. Works great!
Also, if I could make a feature suggestion. The Description area would be awesome if it had the same WYSIWIG as the standard WP post/page content area. Or maybe a quick writeup and how we can add it? Helps those non-techy people :). Great work Zach. If this all comes together as the final solution for me, I’ll be happy to donate something to your cause. Cheers!
Will consider the WYSIWYG editor option, I have had requests before for it and I understand why. Personally I hate the editor in WordPress and actually wrote my own plugin to modify it called TrueEdit. Still, CataBlog is meant for general consumption and should be easy to use for all non-techie types.
I am curious if you are a developer or not, if so I think you should really look into the WordPress
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">register_post_type()</a>
function. It pretty much lets you create your own type of posts, which is basically what CataBlog is.Thanks Zach, that works like a charm for my needs. I now have the template controlling the link to the permalink to the client doesn’t have to do anything. I suppose my suggestion for the button to paste the permalink into the Link field would be more for beginners/casual users; but for my purposes, developing a template, using that token works perfectly. Thanks!
How can I get Single CataBlog Item Page: single-catablog-items.php to use a separate template
from CataBlog Category Archive: taxonomy-catablog-terms.php.?
Is it possible to call item data directly from Catablog using php?
If you make the two files you list in your first question in your theme’s folder they will automatically be used for single and taxonomy views.
Yes, read this comment thread.
Sorry. I should have been more clear on the first part of the question. Both the single and taxonomy files are in my theme and work great. I just wanted them to use different ‘views’ templates.
However, I think the result of the discussion thread you referred me to may do just what I’m trying to achieve.
Thanks Again!
Right now I believe they both use the single.htm view template. I am planning to bring the template editor out of the options section and give it a lot more power. Some features it would include are:
setting single template,
setting taxonomy template
setting default template
creating and saving new templates
importing and exporting templates
You get the idea…. 🙂
Hey Zach
Thanks a million for your awesome work.
I was so happy find your catablog. I use to maunally code everything with html and php.
You have saved me heaps of time.
Just what I’ve been looking for. Thanks very much. You’re a star.
Great plugin, I’m extremely grateful for the individual item pages.
Is there a way to activate page wordpress thumbnails so we can put a thumbnail with the “next page” link?
Thanks again.
Hi Zach,
Is there any way for the permalinks to work with the category the product is in? What I mean is… I can set the Individual Pages Slug to “products” and that results in:
Is there any way to have it so it comes out as: (permalink — and most importantly, my breadcrumb menu structure — including the “shirts” category that the blue shirt is listed under)? Thanks! I love this plugin!
CataBlog does not do that, you would need a more custom solution, especially for a three level permalink hierarchy. Feel free to get in touch with me for custom work.
First, I really like your plugin. I use it more as a form of catalogue of companies that I list on my site and it’s really simple and easy to use.
My question is if you have planned to activate so that the items can be commented?
Would be a nice feature for both products and for sites like mine that list companies 😉
Keep up the good work!
Hi, I love this plugin, but I need comments in Individual Item Pages. How could I add them?
Currently, you will have to hack the plugin to make CataBlog support comments. In the CataBlog plugin folder there is a file labeled CataBlog.class.php inside a directory labeled lib. Line 213 of this file should be updated to this:
This will enable comments for the CataBlog custom post type, but I am unsure if this will actually create the comments interface in your site’s theme. You may have to add code to your CataBlog Single’s PHP template file. Good luck and let me know if you are successful at enabling comments. If it is this easy perhaps I will add a checkbox in the options interface to add comments into the supports array. Cheers
Uh I tried ti follow your instruction but I haven’t solve the problem. I will wait for update. Thank you so much for help!
Hey Zach,
I also want the possibilty to activate comments. You say change line 213. This line is:
$public_posts_slug = (isset($this->options['public_post_slug']))? array('slug'=>$this->options['public_post_slug']) : true;
So I think you mean lines 233 and/or 266:
$params['supports'] = array('title', 'editor');
I changed both lines to:
$params['supports'] = array('title', 'editor', 'comments');
.But it does not work, can you help me?
Kind regards Willem
Yes, I bet the line number has changed since I last left the above comment. What you did is the correct first step. Now you need to enable the Public feature and make sure that your single-catablog-items.php file in your theme directory has all the necessary code to support comments. Good luck.
Hey guys,
I’ve managed to post comment to my catablog item.
$params[‘comment_status’] = ‘closed’;
$params[‘comment_status’] = ‘open’;
in file CatblogItem.Class.php
hope that helps 🙂
I’ve done all of these steps correctly (I assume), and yet comments are still closed. Is there something I’m missing?
Nevermind, I’m stupid. Works, but only on new item submissions.
i finally found the solution to put comment into Catablog single item pages:
i followed some of the reported steps and i found that it works great:
1. modify CataBlog.class.php adding this Line:
$params[‘supports’] = array(‘title’, ‘editor’, ‘comments’);
2. modify CatblogItem.Class.php adding this Line:
$params[‘comment_status’] = ‘closed’;
$params[‘comment_status’] = ‘open’;
Also add this line into the Public Function Save() {
$params[‘comment_status’] = ‘open’;
you can add it between other parameters
3. create the file single-catablog-items.php into your template folder:
in this new file copy exactly the content of the single.php file that is in your template folder already.
after you copyed it modify this line:
it’s not finish yet.
after hacking this codes you have to go to your catablog library and SAVE CHANGES for each catablog item already stored in it.
why? i think that the $params[‘comment_status’] were closed when you saved the old items in your database so if you dont re-save every item the comments will be closed.
there is no problem for the new library entries, but this step is necessary for the old entries.
i hope to help someone and i apologize for my bad english.
ThankYou Zach you are so great!!!
step 3 is:
modify this line
?php comments_template( ”, true ); ?
?php comments_template( ‘comments.php’, true ); ?
Was wondering if it’s possible to have a list of all of my items on an individual item page. i’d like people to be able to jump back and forth between individual pages by clicking on thumbnails below the individual item content.
Great plugin and Thanks,
I can’t think how this can currently be done without writing some specific theme code or hacking the plugin. The Shortcode itself could work for displaying a catalog, but I do not recommend nor endorse the idea of putting the CataBlog Shortcode into a catalog item’s description. Doing so could easily bring down your entire site.
Hey. Thanks for the great plugin. I have used “enable individual pages” which works great so far, the only small problem i have is that on all my pages i have a “like” button. This doesnt appear on any pages created by catablog. Have you any ideas on how i could fix this? It would be great for me if people could like individual products. Thanks again.
Hi Jac,
How did you implement the like button? With a plugin or in you theme. You may make a catablog-items-single.php file to fine tune the single item page.
Hey Zack,
If I use the “enable individual pages” like Jac did will the page it create have both the main image and the sub image? Could I make and edit a catablog-items-single.php file to remove the main image and have just the secondary image?
I am trying for a look like this. Where the page presents the catablog as a gallery, the user clicks on a the main image, taking them to a page with the second (detail) image. We made that page by hand.
I asked for similar guidance here not impatient just cranking through this on a weekend.
I fear if I hit that enable individual pages, I am going to make a bunch of pages, or do they only generate on the new ones and not from the old ones?
Yes if you enable individual pages you will make a bunch of pages, one for every catalog item, but that is the point. If you want catalog pages, that then point to individually hand made pages then I would suggest using the WordPress pages feature and Shortcodes to make the catalog pages, and then make an individual page for each catalog item. Problem with that solution is that it is a lot of work. The comment you will leave in the future probably has a better answer on it anyways:
I have used a plugin. Any ideas on how I can make that effect the catablog pages?
You should make a
file, you may then code exactly how each catablog page is rendered.Hay Zach,
Thanks again for a great product!
We tried the auto generation of a “individual catalog item page” it appears to make a post, with author information in it.
What would work for us is to have it create a page not a post. Not sure if this is possible or it would be a future upgrade.
Posts, pages, they are the same thing, what you want is the ability to control exactly how a CataBlog Post is displayed. Look at the New Individual Catalog Item Pages post, there should be some good information there. Also this comment thread explains how to retrieve CataBlog data and manually place it into your single catalog item’s theme file. Good luck and let me know if I pointed you in the right direction. Cheers
– Zach
Love the plugin, but how can I remove CataBlog from the WordPress Admin Menu Bar for certain levels of visitors?
This should no longer be a problem, the Admin Menu Bar is now only added if the user has the ability to use the plugin.
adding a standard wordpress editor is a piece-a-cake
insert this line in the admin-edit.php file
getDescription(), "catablog-description", array('textarea_name' => 'description', 'tabindex' => 0) ); ?>
instead of
getDescription(), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') ?>
and you’ll get a visual editor.
Zach, thank you so much for the plugin.
Tried to make this modification in the code base and got a syntax error. Do you think you could try and repost the code modifications, make sure to replace the < and > symbols with < and > respectively.
if you want wordpress editor you have to remove the
<textarea name=”description” id=”catablog-description”><?php htmlspecialchars($result->getDescription(), ENT_QUOTES, ‘UTF-8’)?></textarea>
and replace it with
<?php wp_editor($result->getDescription(),”catablog-description”, array(‘textarea_name’ => ‘description’) ); ?>
after this you have to to some modification on the catablog-admin.css
i’m using it right now and it works very well 🙂
thank you for this beautiful plugin 🙂
Thanks for the info. I’m working on the gallery feature currently, afterwards I will integrate the tinyMCE editor into CataBlog.
try this as initial css fix 🙂
there’s still something to fix but it seems to work
For sure, thanks again. I have played around with it and got something pretty much working myself, just not ready to release it to the general public. One question, do you think I should leave the upload/insert media button? I know it works, but am not sure I want to encourage people inserting more images into each catalog item’s description. Your thoughts?
Probably it’s better to remove it.
So If anyone want to insert something other than the item photo has to know what he is doing 🙂
Thats what I was thinking 🙂
Hi Zach,
first of all i want to thank you for such a great plugin. it seems it is exactly what i need for my project. ive just installed it and still learning to use it. i have a small problem however.
i want to make individual page for each product. in the ´Public´ tab i ticked ´Enable Individual Pages and Category Archives:´ but nothing changed? the products are not linked to anywhere. is there something im doing wrong or i have to do? thanks very much for your help
tomas 🙂
Please check that your using pretty permalinks, or that your permalink structure is not set to default, for some reason this does not work. Cheers 🙂
Zach, I hope you can help me out here. Each of my thumbnails when clicked just goes to the full size image on a blank page. How can I get it to link to it’s own page (one with more details and a form).
Currently the ‘Permalink’ for each image is as such:
It’s obviously not pulling in the correct data, literally leaving the words “permalink” and “forex-product-title” in the url string. I put the variables %PERMALINK% and %CATEGORY% in the Public options, the “%” signs get stripped out on save …… any help is appreciated
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